No Excuses

I hope all of you faithful readers are well. If, that is, anyone even bothers to stop by here any longer. I have been very slack in my blogging lately. I suppose it is like many others things; at time a lack of interest develops. At any rate, I am at the keyboard today. I do have a busy day today, with some hospital visits to make and cottage prayer meeting to conduct tonight. It should be a great day, however, because any day spent in the Lord’s service is a great day! Amen?

I wanted to share a book that I have been reading lately. It is called The Secret Key To Heaven by Thomas Brooks. It is published by The Banner Of Truth Trust as part of their Puritan Paperbacks series. This book was first published in London in 1665 under the title The Privie Key Of Heaven.  This book is a treatment of our Lord’s command that His people should engage in times of “closet prayer“, Matt. 6:6. The author suggests that God’s people are guilty of neglecting their “indispensable duty” of spending secret, private time in the presence of God. This book is very convicting and challenging and I recommend it to every believer who feels that their private time with God is lacking and could be energized. I found my copy at, and I am sure they have a few more copies.

May the Lord bless you today. I will try to do better about dropping by to blog. God bless you all!

Alan Carr

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